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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Yr2 Maths

Big Maths:  Max 10 minutes


Coin Multiplication:  Please practice writing out coin cards for various 2D numbers.  Below is the video from last week if you need to refresh your memory.


Practice your 3x table.  You can use hit the button, espresso or supermovers or any other method-you choose.




Print off the fractions wall at the bottom of the page or make your own (its very easy).


Cut out the different fractions and put them next to each other to compare them.  Which fractions are bigger/smaller than others?  


Stick the fractions down to make make the fraction wall.  Complete pg46 of booklets.

Coin Multiplication 2

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