May the 4th be with you, StarWars fans!
Please follow Monday's lessons for Maths and English only through the TV channel AND by visiting the links for the day's lessons. If you are worried that you are unable to follow BBC Bitesize because you don't have a TV licence, please email me and I will provide a tutorial on using the government's Oak Academy home learning website.
The week's lessons, which have been split into days and age ranges, can be seen here
Click here to watch a video about Bitesize Daily on facebook
Daily lessons are here! Follow the link to open up the full menu of age-appropriate daily lessons. Each lesson is backed by a range of fun videos, games and activities. You can continue to use your home learning exercise books and maths books to write in. The links below take you straight to your year group for today.
Little bit of something else - COMPUTING
Ms Lowthian has sent the following work which is intended to last for (at least) two weeks. I'll send a reminder prompt to continue this next Monday. Please don't worry if you have technical difficulties downloading any of the following.
Stop-Motion animation
This can be downloaded from the APP Store for free (the icon looks like the blue symbol above). Years 4 to 6 are 'experts' in using Stop-Motion and will be able to get on with this independently. Year 3 may need some support.
Stop-Motion is easy to use - you basically take a series of photos and it puts them together to make a movie. You can do this with paper or with figures such as Lego people. You could do it in the garden if you want to get really creative.
Here is an example using figures:
Here is an example using paper:
I saw an interesting one on Facebook where a man was pretending to go skiing - the older children may enjoy doing something like this.
When the children get absorbed on Stop-Motion, they can spend hours doing it. Please just let them. If they spend a lot of time doing it, miss some future computing lessons that I put up. Most importantly - ENJOY!
Code can be accessed from any device that has the internet. Just type into the address bar on a search engine.
Click on 'Do an hour of code'.
Choose an activity. All children are familiar with code and although they may need support, they should not need teaching as such.
Classic maze, Frozen and Star Wars are the simpler ones. Class 2 pupils should be able to do any of them. The Artist is the most difficult.
Headphones may be handy if you have some - most annoying noises ever!