French for Class 2 w/c 23rd March 2020
Thanks to Madame Frizzy for the task below...
She can be contacted at...
Bonjour la classe!
Most of pupils in year 3 & 4 have started research on an area in France – either a continuation of what they have already done or a new area. They chose an area/town or city and researched what there is of interest to visit in that place as this has been our topic area this term. These pupils can continue doing this for the time being and if they have a finished document can send it to me.
Year 5 & 6 pupils and Ayla have started preparing a ‘postcard’ from a town in France and have been looking up possible adjectives in French they can use. They can continue with this using the suggestions below and my example and again, email it to me once they are happy with it. They can also add any images they feel will enhance it.
Ma Carte Postale
Je suis à …………… pour mes vacances. – I’m at …………. for my holidays.
Il y a ………. – there is/are….. e.g. un musée, un parc
Il n’y a pas de…. – there isn’t/aren’t ….. e.g. il n’y a pas de rivière
C’est + adjective – It’s …… e.g. c’est joli/beau/bruyant
J’aime + verb – I like to ….
Choose from:
J’aime jouer au foot
J’aime regarder un film/les fleurs
J’aime manger un gâteau/une glace
J’aime boire un coca/un jus d’orange
J’aime acheter des souvenirs/des cadeaux/des fruits
You can change the underlined suggestions using a French dictionary if you have one or by using
Je suis à Nîmes dans le sud de la France. C’est très beau !
Il y a des cafés où j’aime boire du café et regarder des gens.
Il y a un amphithéâtre, c’est très vieux et historique.
Il n’y a pas de montagnes mais il y a la mer. J’aime nager ! C’est chouette !
Au revoir !