Welcome back to Class 2's home learning page - I've missed you all!
I hope you enjoyed the wonderful sunshine that we've been having over the half term week. Perhaps some of you put some paddling pools up in the garden. Perhaps some of you played in a river or a lake with your parents. Whatever you did, I hope you had a wonderful time. We'll hold a class kahoot quiz on Thursday at 11am this week so I look forwards to catching up with you then.
Please follow Monday's lessons for Maths and English only through the TV channel AND by visiting the links for the day's lessons. If you are worried that you are unable to follow BBC Bitesize because you don't have a TV licence, please email me and I will provide a tutorial on using the government's Oak Academy home learning website.
The week's lessons, which have been split into days and age ranges, can be seen here
Click here to watch a video about Bitesize Daily on facebook
Daily lessons are here! Follow the link to open up the full menu of age-appropriate daily lessons. Each lesson is backed by a range of fun videos, games and activities. You can continue to use your home learning exercise books and maths books to write in. The links below take you straight to your year group for today.
Little bit of something else - ART
Today, you're going to learn about how famous Portuguese artist Paula Rego uses her artworks to tell stories, learn some basic artistic techniques and create your own artwork.
This Lesson includes:
Visit the link here to watch the videos then go on to create your own pieces. I'd love to put your artwork into the Hall of Fame - please send in any pictures along with a short description of the story that's being told.