Good morning Timmy! I hope you are some ready for some more phonics? Great! Let's get started!
Activity 1. Let's go over some of our sounds by playing Musical Sound Cards. This time, instead of having them in a circle, lay them out in any shape you want! Remember, when the music stops, say the sound on the card!
Here's a music link for you to use:-
Activity 2.
Timmy, Mummy is going to read you a story. Can you guess what our sound is today?
Did you guess? Our sound today is sh. watch the video to find out more:-
You can practise saying the sh sound and writing it on your white board.
Activity 3. (Rebecca, can you print this worksheet and the one for Activity 4. Thanks). Timmy, Look at the worksheet. Read the sh words. Can you match them with the pictures?
Activity 5. Tricky Words. You're doing really well with your Tricky Words! Keep up the great work! Here's a new one for you to learn!
Keep Practising!
Activity 6. Let's go fishing!!
This is a game you can make and play. You will need to make a fishing rod with a magnet and some paper fish with a paper clip on the end. Here is template for you to use: