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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Religious Education


Sent: 02 April 2023 14:13 To: Office <> Subject: Easter paintings and garden

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how all the congregation at St Lawrence’s on a Palm Sunday enjoyed seeing the children’s paintings and Easter gardens in Church. They were wonderful and touching in their simplicity and authenticity. Kind Regards
Judith Harrison

The children of Crosby Ravensworth are going to explore the Fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace , patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control and how they reflect the character of God and also how they can apply these qualities to their own lives.


They will be using a variety of art mediums to pictorially express these ideas, through art club and art lessons.

After which we hope to put on a display for the local community to enjoy.


Singing a lullaby to the baby Jesus

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The boys and girls join with Joseph to sing 'Away in a Manger' to the baby Jesus at St Lawrence Church.

Experiencing Christmas at St Lawrence Church

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Andi gives an incredible summary of how it all began...

Where Jesus Taught and David Fought - a Church in the Barn Israel Adventure

Graham and Jari explore some ancient sites where Jesus walked and David fought!
