Hi Timmy! Welcome to your Wednesday Phonics! Let's get started!
Activity 1. Rebecca, please select sound cards for j,w,x,y,z,zz,qu,ch,sh,th,ng. Place them in a Pile. You will also need three hats at the opposite end of the room. Timmy, you need to put on a hat, run up and choose a sound card and say that sound! Here's a link to some music:-
Activity 2.
Rebecca, please read the following sentence to Timmy. I want to see if he can hear a sound that is repeated. (ai)
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain."
Let's watch the video about the sound:
Practise the action and the sound.
Activity 3. Follow the link to a fun game to practise words with our new sound. Click on Play and choose the ai sound.
Activity 4. Have a look at these pictures. Can you write what they are on your whiteboard?
Activity 5. Tricky Words. Have a look at your Tricky Words Workbook and choose a page you would like to do today.
Activity 6. We see a lot of rainbow images at the moment. Can you paint a picture that has a rainbow in it?