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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'


Happy Friday!

And believe it or not, we're breaking up for half term today, so there'll be a week's break before we return with more home learning on June 1st.  By the way, I really enjoyed the quiz yesterday and hope you all did too - it was particularly nice to be joined by a turkey and a goat!


Please follow Friday's lessons for Maths and English only through the TV channel AND by visiting the links for the day's lessons.  If you are worried that you are unable to follow BBC Bitesize because you don't have a TV licence, please email me and I will provide a tutorial on using the government's Oak Academy home learning website.



The week's lessons, which have been split into days and age ranges, can be seen here

Click here to watch a video about Bitesize Daily on facebook


  • Daily lessons are here!  Follow the link to open up the full menu of age-appropriate daily lessons. Each lesson is backed by a range of fun videos, games and activities. You can continue to use your home learning exercise books and maths books to write in.  The links below take you straight to your year group for today.




Little bit of something else - HISTORY

The History of the Railways

This term, we're studying the history of the railways.  


The sixth and final lesson is about locomotive technology.  You're going to think about how trains have changed over the years and how we can classify them as steam, diesel and electric.   If you haven't logged in before, then start by going to twinkl and logging in. User name: and the password has now changed to Smile01


Now visit this link.  It should open a file of documents.  Open the powerpoint - it's the class lesson.  Read through it carefully and discuss with someone at home.  There are two activity sheets to try - remember 1star is easiest, 3star is hardest.


You can also choose from the following activities:

  • Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine. Can you find out more about this famous engineer and write a biography about his life?
  • Can you create a chart to show the positive and negative aspects of each type of locomotive?
  • Can you create a poster to advertise one of the locomotives?