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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'


Hello everyone, today is Tuesday!

Hope you're all feeling happy, fit, well and raring to go on this lovely sunny morning.    Please follow Tuesday's lessons for Maths and English only through the TV channel AND by visiting the links for the day's lessons.  If you are worried that you are unable to follow BBC Bitesize because you don't have a TV licence, please email me and I will provide a tutorial on using the government's Oak Academy home learning website.



The week's lessons, which have been split into days and age ranges, can be seen here

Click here to watch a video about Bitesize Daily on facebook


  • Daily lessons are here!  Follow the link to open up the full menu of age-appropriate daily lessons. Each lesson is backed by a range of fun videos, games and activities. You can continue to use your home learning exercise books and maths books to write in.  The links below take you straight to your year group for today.



Little bit of something else


1) Children in Y5 and Y6 should have a look at the computing that Ms Lowthian mentioned on her planning sheet yesterday.   Here's the link again:


2) Carolyn has created a wonderful recorder lesson on-line especially for everyone.  Please watch the video (even if you can't find your recorder!) and hopefully most of you will be able to have a go at playing this very famous piece of music.  If this proves impossible, then perhaps you could find the words and sing to the notes.
