Big Maths: Max 10 minutes
Squiggleworth: Know what each number is worth in a 2-digit number. Partition numbers... Repeat many times.
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30 6
LEARN ITS 6: Know these facts... Double 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Half 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 |
Missing Number Problems
Do you remember learning about fact families last week in big maths? Well that will come in useful today.
Take a look at the missing number problems on page 27 of your pupil maths book. Some of the questions are easy to figure out using a numberline but some are a bit more tricky. Why not try writing out a fact family to help you find the answer?
Here is an example:
6 + ? = 13
I'm not sure what the answer is so i'm going to turn this calculation into a fact family to help me. Remember a fact family uses the same 3 numbers to make 2 additions and 2 subtractions.
6 + ? = 13
? + 6 = 13
13 - ? = 6
13 - 6 = ?
I think the subtraction calculation at the bottom is the easiest one to work out so I will now use my numberline to find the answer. The answer is 7