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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Year 1

Big Maths:  Max 10 minutes


Squiggleworth:  Know what each number is worth in a 2-digit number.  Partition numbers...  Repeat many times.



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               30   6

LEARN ITS 6:  Know these facts...

Double 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Half 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Missing Number Problems

Do you remember learning about fact families last week in big maths?  Well that will come in useful today.


Take a look at the missing number problems on page 27 of your pupil maths book.  Some of the questions are easy to figure out using a numberline but some are a bit more tricky.  Why not try writing out a fact family to help you find the answer?


Here is an example:


6 + ? = 13

I'm not sure what the answer is so i'm going to turn this calculation into a fact family to help me.  Remember a fact family uses the same 3 numbers to make 2 additions and 2 subtractions.


6 + ? = 13

? + 6 = 13

13 - ? = 6

13 - 6 = ?


I think the subtraction calculation at the bottom is the easiest one to work out so I will now use my numberline to find the answer.  The answer is 7





