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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Year 1

Big Maths:  Max 10 minutes


Squiggleworth:  Know what each number is worth in a 2-digit number.  Partition numbers...  Repeat many times.



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LEARN ITS 6:  Know these facts...

 double 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

half 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Addition and Subtraction


Please use the number line supplied in your pack to answer the addition and subtraction questions on pg26 of your pupil booklet.


Remember to add with jump forward and to subtract we jump back.


Can you remember your odd and even numbers, we looked at it a few weeks ago?  Have a revisit by playing the game below.

