Welcome to Wednesday!
We have some welcome wet weather this morning. I'm sure the farmers are relieved that their parching crops are being watered. If you wanted a quick reminder of why it rains, click here for a short video from drippy the drop. I thought it would be interesting to make our kahoot quiz on Thursday at 11am all about the water cycle this week, so please do a little research in preparation for this.
Please follow Wednesday's lessons for Maths and English only through the TV channel AND by visiting the links for the day's lessons. If you are worried that you are unable to follow BBC Bitesize because you don't have a TV licence, please email me and I will provide a tutorial on using the government's Oak Academy home learning website.
The week's lessons, which have been split into days and age ranges, can be seen here
Click here to watch a video about Bitesize Daily on facebook
Daily lessons are here! Follow the link to open up the full menu of age-appropriate daily lessons. Each lesson is backed by a range of fun videos, games and activities. You can continue to use your home learning exercise books and maths books to write in. The links below take you straight to your year group for today.
Little bit of something else - RE
On Sunday, it was Pentecost. Please learn about this by watching this short video. I've posted the fifth and final part of our 'Easter to Pentecost' poems in church corner this morning for you to read and think about. Here's a link. The bible tells us that the coming of the Holy Spirit sounded like a very strong wind and looked like tongues of fire. That must have been quite a scary sight! I'd like you to copy out this poem in your best handwriting (younger ones might just pick their favourite verse) and draw your own colourful picture underneath which shows the holy spirit arriving among the disciples.
If you'd like to look through all of the verses together so you can read the complete poem, all the links are here: