The wordsearch above contains lots of words connected with the events that led from Jesus' crucifixion to his resurrection and ascension back up to heaven, and finally the time when the disciples received the incredible gift of the holy spirit which gave them the confidence to spread the word of God. This was called the Pentecost and it was very scary to them at first. We're going to learn about these events through some poems which I'll post every week over the next five weeks. The Pentecost will be celebrated this year on Sunday 31st May.
Go back into the home learning menu and click on the 'church corner' tab that was created this morning. You'll see that there's an interesting video on there from the Bishop of Penrith.
I'm going to add a poem every week over the next 5 weeks telling of the journey from Easter to Pentecost. Hopefully it will make you all fully aware of these important events that led from Jesus' crucifixion, to his resurrection (back to life), then ascension (rising back up to heaven to be with God the father) and the Pentecost (God's gift of the holy spirit which descended from heaven to the disciples on earth).
Please copy out a verse (younger pupils) or the entire poem (older pupils) in your books. Practice your best, joined handwriting. Draw a picture underneath that you think goes well with the poem.