As a Church of England school, Crosby Ravensworth considers Religious Education a core area of learning, devoting a minimum of 5% of curriculum time to the subject. We follow units of work from Questful RE (Diocese of Blackburn). The children explore the major aspects of Christianity and other world faiths. The children learn about the beliefs, customs and practices to develop a deeper understanding and awareness. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from RE. Our policies on RE and collective worship can be read on our policies page here.
Religious Education in a Church school should enable every child to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10). We believe that it is vital for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand themselves and the world around them. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge of world faiths as well as experience the key concepts and questions of Christianity. Our children leave us with a thorough understanding and awareness of religious practices across the world. They know the importance of worship and can explain the key religious practices of the major religions of the world. As a Christian community, our children are given every opportunity to explore their faith, develop their own spirituality and celebrate important liturgical events across the year, including worship at St Lawrence Church at least each term.
As a Church of England school, we follow the Questful RE syllabus throughout school. This curriculum enables children to ‘go on a quest’ and discover more about religion and world views as well as develop their own spirituality and personal reflection. The explicit teaching of Christian concepts and God’s big salvation story, give the children a deeper understanding of Christianity (The Blackburn Diocese Board of Education 2022). This is also aided by the addition of Understanding Christianity concepts which are part of the teaching units. The study of faiths other than Christianity in school receives 30%-40% of the time devoted to RE.
Our curriculum is further enhanced through visits to places of worship as well as visitors to school. Children lead prayer and worship both in school and church. This supports the children’s learning as well deepening their connection with their faith. It also helps to foster and further strengthen our church/school partnership and the children’s relationship with their church.
We hope that all of our children will be able to flourish and take their place in the world as global citizens who display empathy and respect towards others thereby fully living out the Christian Vision for Education of wisdom, hope, community and dignity (Church of England, 2016). We believe our curriculum helps educate our children for dignity and respect encouraging all to live well together (Church of England, 2019).