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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Year 1

Big Maths:  Max 10 minutes


Repeat Wednesday's Big Maths please.


Add and Subtract Money


Show your child the different coins from 1p to £2.  Can they name them?  Put them in order?  Use the espresso link below, click on the activities section and play 'ordering coins' 'matching coins' and 'matching coins to value'


Have a go at the problems on pg29.  Remember to use your numberline to help you.  


If you finish early here is a little challenge for you...How many ways can you make 10p using different combinations of coins?


Note:  There are some nice song video's on espresso about recognising coins but unfortunately the coins in the video's are old money!  Feel free to watch them if you want but please explain that the coins look slightly different now.



