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'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Year 2



Hopefully your child will remember how to spell the days of the week. Please can you do a quick test now. If they are unsure of any , it would be good for them to practise those throughout the week.

Writing- Diaries


This week we are looking at diary writing. Please talk to your child about why someone might write a diary and explain how they can be useful historical documents to find out about the past - they may remember the diary of Samuel Pepys that we looked at in history. Usually they are written on the same day but as I know most of you like to do your schoolwork in the morning, each day we are going to write about the day before. I know some of your children may be reluctant to write each day but as a year 2, it is important that they persevere at writing at length. I would expect half a page a day with joined writing please. It would be really helpful if you could send me at least one diary entry from this week so that I can see how your child is getting on.

Please ask your child to read my diary entry below. 

Sunday 30th May 2020


On Sunday it was a lovely, hot and sunny day. After I had eaten a delicious breakfast of a boiled egg on toast and a cup of tea, I went on a walk with a friend to Oddendale. It was very hot and I drank lots of water as I didn't want to get dehydrated. In the afternoon I did some weeding in the garden. I also put some netting over my cabbages because the pesky butterflies keep laying their eggs on them. (The eggs develop into caterpillars that will then eat my plants!) In the evening I watched a very funny film with my family but I fell asleep halfway through, so I got a little confused as to the storyline!

Do you think you can include some of these in your diary:

  • some adjectives
  • commas in a list
  • interesting sentences starters
  • joining words
  • an exclamation sentence

