Happy Friday to you!
Have a look at this video on Espresso before you start work on subtracting fractions (which is 'lesson 2' on the right hand side of the page). Unless you have some cubes at home that you can put together (not very likely, I know), you'll have to use your imagination for that part. See how much you can get done on the page. I hope you can all manage challenge 1 and challenge 2. Challenge 3 is not too tricky today.
Happy Friday to you!
Start by watching a few short videos to teach you about decimals;
You'll have to put in your login and password to see them (same as yesterday).
Now see how many of the questions you can whip through - I don't think you'll find this too tricky today! You could say the answers out loud to Challenge 1, then start writing for challenge 2 onwards.
Happy Friday!
You may want to start by having another quick look at yesterday's video. The link is here.
Now, have a go at the challenges on the page. You can't do any of challenge 3 today as you would need the resource sheet.
Happy Friday Year 6!
You've got some more long division today. They're trying to trick you by including decimals in the questions.
Have a look at challenge 2 - they've put some examples down of how you might choose to set out your working. My tip is to PUT THE DECIMAL IN THE QUESTION like they did with the second example. It just means you have to put the decimal at the same place in the answer. Watch my short video that demonstrates...