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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'


Follow the link below to read our online safety policy in the 'policies' section:

Online safety letter to parents

We urge all parents to speak to their children, nieces, nephews etc. and other children about what to do if they are frightened by something they see online.  If you have a safeguarding concern please speak to the Headteacher or phone Cumbria safeguarding hub on 0300 373 2724.

Teenage cybercrime: Help your child make the right #CyberChoices

Useful Tips for Online Safety


Please encourage children to :-

• Talk to a parent/carer/trusted adult if they see anything or hear anything that is scaring them.

• If they are told ‘not to tell their parents’ then that is a green light to go straight to an adult.

• Not to download or accept any unknown contacts on social media or particularly WhatsApp.


Filtering and monitoring of websites used by pupils in our school

As a school we have appropriate and compliant filtering in place in school so children can safely access the internet for their learning. We use the Westmorland & Furness Council filtering which is through Securly. 

Online safety guidance is routinely shared on our social media page and on this webpage.   
