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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

Year 1/2

Firstly remind your child of our learning last week on the basic needs of humans and animals:

water    air   food


Healthy Eating

Please watch this video.

Lots, some or only a little?


On the document below are pictures of various foodstuffs. You can either print them out or just look at them and talk through the activity with your child. Support your child to sort the foods according to whether they should be eaten often (fruits and vegetables, starchy foods), eaten sometimes (dairy food, meat, fish, beans, pulses and nuts) or foods to only eat occasionally (foods high in fat and sugar).

Healthy Eating Journal


Please can your child keep a journal for the next week of what they eat and drink. There is an example of one below.

(Year 1s need not put in so much detail).

Mrs Csmiley