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  • Crosby Ravensworth CE (A) Primary School
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'
'A love of learning for life in all its fullness'

A little bit of something else



A message from Madame Frizzy (Mrs Walsh)


On the link below, you will find enough work to keep you busy for the summer term.  You can work at your own pace, although Mr Priestley will poster a reminder to do some French every Tuesday.   You can email me any questions or anything you would like to show me.


Explore France:

Once clicked on town/place name - Explore - Present - and then scroll/click on slide to show/hear each piece.

Pupils may choose which or how many activities they would like to do.

There are 7 different places to visit.


Home Learning Activities:

There are 4 stages with 5 topics in each. Within each of these, there are Actvities, Key Content and Videos.

Some topics are new, others are ones we have already studied. Explore and practice whichever topics you wish!
